Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

Our state-of-the-art equipment maximizes capture rates while producing high quality sorted commodities. Ongoing investments ensure that best in class technology efficiently sorts commingled materials from residential and commercial sources. The regional MRF receives material directly from local side loader collection trucks as well as transfer stations that consolidate collections at several strategic locations in nearby counties.

As a privately held independent company, Potential has the flexibility to partner with numerous suppliers, regardless of whether this is directly with municipalities which perform their own collections, third parties with franchise contracts, or private haulers in nearby communities.

Our industry is dynamic and changing, and with this comes the responsibility to adapt and evolve based on the generation of materials (the evolving commingled ton) and equipment – technology capabilities. RECYCLABILITY is determined by Sortability and Marketability, and Potential actively engages with industry partners to provide MRF solutions that are economical and practical.

As California creates and deploys regulations to implement Senate Bill 54, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program, Potential will continue to take an active role as a MRF operator to expand our capabilities to capture materials that are both sortable and marketable. We are excited about the capability for Eco-Modulation, which when properly crafted uses economic forces to compel better decisions on packaging design and material selection, to reduce inbound contamination of commingled materials arriving at our MRF while improving the capture and quality of sorted commodities which are sold to responsible end users.